About accufRATE

Who We Are

accufRATE is a transportation software solutions company dedicated to simplifying the freight transportation management process. Our team of professionals come from backgrounds of transportation and logistics, software development, and entrepreneurs, who understand business and freight and strive to perfect the freight management process.


What We Do

accufRATE develops leading edge solutions to present day freight management problems. We eliminate costly legacy technologies with leading edge and management free solutions. Not being tied to legacy technologies ensures that we remain innovative in every solution we deliver.



We are determined to provide leading edge solutions to all aspects of the freight management process. We will continue to innovate and deliver non-legacy PURE API solutions to every aspect of freight transportation. “NO” is not in our vocabulary. When our customers talk, we listen and work hard to provide the solutions they need to keep them focused on their core business while we do the heavy lifting in the background. The easy solution is not always the right solution and being innovative by definition means that we have to constantly persevere to find the best way to give you what you need to help you run your business more efficiently.


Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide our customers with an easy and affordable solution in managing their day to day operation by providing them with a fast and accurate method of perfecting the way they rate, dispatch, track, audit, and analyze freight.


Vision Statement

To transform the way the industry rates freight and prefect the process of freight.


Customer Feedback

Our solutions are only effective if our customers use them. We don’t wait for our customers to give us feedback. We are always directly soliciting our customers for information about every aspect of our software and make every effort to deliver the services they need. We know that your business requirements change all the time and we believe that updating our software to meet those requirements are at the core of what makes us a best-of-breed solution provider. We believe that “perfecting freight” is not just a tagline but a standard by which we measure our success.